Monday, 19 November 2012


You guys, help me out... I'm still a newbie at the whole "people discovering my talent" thing... (without sounding too big headed, of course) so click on the link, like and share PLEASE! I would be very grateful ^_^

Just to point out the obvious, when you get to my page it may look a little... eerr empty... that's because I have been very lazy and not updated it but don't let that stop you from liking etc etc.... :)

Dalmatian (progress) - Nov 19th 2012

Well this is my most recent to date, and my personal favourite yet! Ok, so I didn't really bother with fur detail but I didn't want you guys to focus on that! This youngsters eyes were the highlight of the reference photo, so I wanted to make them stand out in my sketch.

Joey the War Horse (Progress)

So, here it is for all of the "War Horse" movie fans :D
The final outcome (bottom photo)... you'll have to excuse the poor camera quality, but I couldn't exactly fit an A2 sized portrait into my scanner.

Let's start with my most recent pieces...

Two lovely breeds... My favourite  - The Dalmatian and The Misjudged  - Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
Ok, so... where shall I begin?

I am an average 18 year old girl who loves putting pencils to paper and creating a little something called art. I mainly sketch from random photos, mostly from the World Wide Web, but occasionally have the odd commission too. I prefer to draw the common family pets (cats, dogs, horses, rabbits etc...etc) and have only recently considered taking my "talent" a little further and have started to draw, the ever complex structure of the human face.
  My biggest passion has always been with animals, well... horses in particular as I have had two in the past. Sadly, had to take my first to a horse rescue as I grew too big for her and she was too old to sell, and my second came to a tragic and upsetting end a few months ago.
  I first began drawing horses (which is what is started it all off) about two years ago without art classes or "Drawing for Dummies" manuals... this blog is intended for me to share my natural talent and I want to know what you think! Check out my online portfolio and Facebook page leave comments... share... I really don't mind and useful criticism is always welcome!